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Having a one-on-one mentor, you can connect with is key to any young man’s growth. When I was in my 20s I had maybe one to two mentors I could count on for advice. Their guidance helped me avoid many of life’s hurdles. Although I had to overcome some challenges of my own which everyone does you have to understand it is ok to have someone you can count on or someone you can talk to about what you’re going through. Believe we can talk about anything. I have been through even the most difficult of disappointment’s and still I push myself to be learn from them. I believe my purpose here in life is to guide you on even the most uncomfortable of scenarios to the awkward situations with young women and friendships. It doesn’t matter I understand it’s going to take real time work. You have to be willing to do the work and work together with me as we discuss how we can fix it and grow. I am the digital mentor because you will connect with me virtually. I will provide you a platform for you to discuss what’s going on in your life and be able to look for a reasonable solution that works for you and your future. It’s going to be a process but what you get out of it is what you put into it and if you need just an ear to listen that’s fine too. You can follow me directly on my Instagram page, YouTube or shoot me a direct email. Your mentor should be engaging you to be a better you not giving you false hopes that don’t work. Let’s build you into the man you were destined to be. Finally putting to rest the distractions and giving you a plan that will set the course for the rest of your life. Let’s get it unplugged.

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